
Showing posts from May, 2024
The moments…… Scenario 1 It is ok!    Child W is crying. He is almost two and has been with us since last September. Apparently, a little friend just grabbed a toy “back” from his hand. I talked to both of the boys and Child W still has a few drops of tears on his face. Then, Child L went over, giving Child W a hug, patting his back and trying to comfort him. It was a very touching moment, seeing my little one has empathy and being willing to make her friends feel loved really made my day! Scenario 2 We did it! Playhouse with mini dolls and furniture is always popular among the little ones, especially the girls. They just love dramatic plays. The pieces are stored in a container and need some “techniques” to put all of them back in the box due to the different sizes and shapes. I have demonstrated how to arrange  the pieces, starting with the biggest piece, such as sofa, closet or bed and then moving on to tables, chairs and other smaller ones. They usually need my help but this time w
  How I adapt online resources to my classroom—an eagle cardboard puzzle and feed the bird with worm activity One of the popular themes on the curricula in daycare is about birds. This spring when we have a bird as a theme, I would like to try some activities that integrate more fine motor skills with science and math concepts. Immediately, an eagle puzzle popped up in my head. Personally, the eagle is my favorite bird. Also, eagles are commonly seen in North America. I think the little ones will be fascinated with this powerful but beautiful creature.  Before I did some research online, making a 3-dimensional eagle puzzle game was already my first attempt. First, it is a great game to review the body parts of a bird. Also, by assembling the pieces, the little one not only enhances their fine motor skills but also learns how to balance the eagle.  However, I could not find any templates or samples made with cardboard online.. Instead of purchasing a pre-made wooden one, I preferred to