Phonics Wall

I had done so many Phonics Wall with young English learners. They all not only had fun making it but also are engaged more deeply with the phonics concepts they are learning . As we all know, phonics is the fundamental skill for reading and writing because it helps learners to decode the word by the individual or groups of letters they make. Here are some of the benefits of making a Phonics Wall. 

1. Enhance their Phonics skills with visual aids 

As we know, visual aids are surely beneficial for learners, especially when they come in handy. One of them is to reinforce memory retention significantly. In the classroom, I like to watch my young learners “read” and “review” the phonics words they make during the break time. I also remind them that they can check the phonics wall when they forget the letter sound while reading and spelling. It is much easier to remember the letter sound by seeing and interacting the phonics words frequently. 

2. Gain a sense of self-achievement 

Since the young learners all contribute their efforts to complete the Phonics Wall, they actually gain a sense of self-achievement. They like to share their parts with their classmates and even try to help each other to “practice” the letter sound. That fosters a positive and supportive learning environment.

3. Better their focus

Most of the young learners appreciate activities involved with designing, coloring and cutting. Hands-on activities increase their focus and engagement because they feel they are part of the “teaching, “ which they should be. The more they focus, the better they will be. 

4. Team work 

I like to pair my students or put them in a small group for a task or a project. The major reason is to create more opportunities to practice speaking. EFL students might not have many chances to speak English outside of the classroom. Thus, giving a friendly and encouraging environment really makes them feel comfortable to speak up. 

A phonics wall has been a great resource in my teaching years. In order to facilitate continuous learning, the phonics wall should reflect young learners’ growing knowledge by updating it regularly. It serves a different function from a Word Wall and I believe both of the “Walls” are truly beneficial to the young learners. 


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