
Showing posts from April, 2024
  All about the sensory table  Having a sensory table is surely a fantastic approach to facilitate young children’s development. It allows them to explore various materials with different tools, providing rich and engaging experience in exploration and learning.  Here are some benefits to set up a sensory table in the classroom.  1. Simulate 5 senses As we all know, young children discover the world with their senses. They are easily attracted by bright colors and fragrant scents. They also like to experience different textures by touching and playing with them. For example, when we talked about spring and bugs, I used coffee beans as a filter for the “dirt, “ adding some plastic flowers and stone-painted ladybugs. When I opened it, all of my little friends were so excited with the smell of the coffee beans, which they might be familiar with at home. Moreover, small tasting cups and scoops were used for “planting.” They all found different ways to experience the materials. Some of them
  Spring Walk  As a daycare teacher, I always like to take my little ones for a walk, especially in spring time. It does not matter how long the walk is because it is a delightful experience to see so much on the street in the neighborhood. With bright sunshine, gentle breath and fresh air, it is so enjoyable walking outside.  Usually, on the walk, we stop for observation. In the past few weeks, we have noticed the season changing. I asked my little friends how we now know it is springtime. They are all excited sharing what they see with me. Child M and I said they saw the green leaves on the trees. We stop at one of the trees and look closer to the leaves. The budding leaves on the trees are fascinating to my little friends, seeing the world come alive again.  Then, we noticed more and more flowers growing in the area. With various colors and shapes, they become beautiful decorations in this wonderful time. My little friends talked about their favorite colors, yellow, purple, red, whi
  Phonics Wall I had done so many Phonics Wall with young English learners. They all not only had fun making it but also are engaged more deeply with the phonics concepts they are learning . As we all know, phonics is the fundamental skill for reading and writing because it helps learners to decode the word by the individual or groups of letters they make. Here are some of the benefits of making a Phonics Wall.  1. Enhance their Phonics skills with visual aids  As we know, visual aids are surely beneficial for learners, especially when they come in handy. One of them is to reinforce memory retention significantly. In the classroom, I like to watch my young learners “read” and “review” the phonics words they make during the break time. I also remind them that they can check the phonics wall when they forget the letter sound while reading and spelling. It is much easier to remember the letter sound by seeing and interacting the phonics words frequently.  2. Gain a sense of self-achieveme