We’re Going on a Bear Hunt

“We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” is a well-known children’s book. While I was preparing for the Bear theme, this book popped into my mind right away. Other than just reading the story, I would like to come up with an
activity with hands-on and interactive elements to enhance storytelling experience. 

I did some research online. However, most of the activities are either arts and crafts or making a map. Therefore, instead of just making a map, I used toys found in the classroom to create the “ plots” from the story. The first one is grass made up with some green Lego Duplo. Then, some wooden blocks are used as “mud.” The felt trees are arranged as the forest, and some blue crystals on a blue blanket as a river. Finally, the bear hinds in the cave. All the stations are small but symbolic.

I also draw out the map in accordance with the story on the whiteboard to visualize the pictures for my little ones. So, here is how I conducted this activity. 

We started with reading a story. While reading it, I invited my little friends to make sounds with me, such as “swishy, swashy,” or “slash, slosh.” incorporating sounds and actions not only enhance their sensory experience but also encourage their active participation. Then, we walked through the map drawn on the whiteboard  as a review before we went on our “ bear hunt.”

All the stations were scattered in the classroom as the map indicates. Along with the story song found on youtube, we went on a “bear hunt’ as a group. The little friends absolutely enjoyed it. With big slimes and amused eyes, they had great fun along with following directions and sequences. 


  1. Reading a map is always a fun skill to teach. I like to use different materials to "set a map," so the little ones can enjoy the activity more.


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