
Showing posts from July, 2024
  Why I support product arts in early education Before answering my own question I think it is important to make clarification about the difference between proceed arts and product arts in early education. The main purpose of the product arts is to support fine motor and executive function skills while the processed art emphasizes on inspiring creativity and exploration.  So.what is produced arts? It is simple! The child knows what the “product” looks like when they begin the project. It is led by a teacher and a child is required to process the given instructions or perform certain specific techniques to achieve the end goal. To me, in the early education setting, product arts not only provide structure but also flexibility and variety. What does it mean?  1. Variety in material and techniques When the center chooses the arts and crafts, various materials and agents are considered to keep children engaged and excited. For example, we made a beehive with a piece of bubble wrap with yel
  Project-based extension activities  I used to teach all-English programs to elementary school children for years. To me, the primary purpose of learning languages is always communication. The learners  use the particular language they learn not only to express themselves but also explore the world.  Considering their age and interest, adding project-based extension activities after completing provide full informal assessment for me as well as increase their motivation of learning.  Since English is not their first language and the classroom is probably the only place they have full langage exposure, I always plan the project with all the details, including key goals, required resources and material, and timeline. I also carefully design the procedures because it usually takes several weeks to complete the task. The other core value of PBL is collaboration. Thus, when I group up my students, I pay extra attention to their personalities and capability, to ensure they can all make some